Thursday, September 13, 2018

Hats, Hats, Hats-- and a Scarf...

So, this last week or so with the knitting and the crochet have been a bit different than my "normal" flow.  I am running through a lot of the small knitting projects that I had wanted to make to enter into the SC State Fair, I am working on some hats for donation, getting ready to redecorate and waiting to see what Hurricane Florence does....

So...  I will start with the scarf.  I made the scarf that matches the hat from last week.  It is the Dublin Duo Scarf by Bonnie Barker.  It is in the Celtic Cable Crochet book.  I have 2 crochet cable books by her, this is the first one I am working from.  I plan on doing a review after I finish two more patterns from the book.  This scarf actually worked up super fast compared to the hat.  I had originally planned on an extra row of single crochet around the perimeter in the cream I used for the ribbing, but decided against it.  I really like the width of the written boarder.  Just like the hat, I really like the pattern and found it to be very well written.

Next, I worked on a slew of hats.  Seriously...  all of my FOs and WIPs are hats...  I didn't work at all on my August Knitcrate or September Knitcrate projects...  All has been for the fair or donations this week....  LOL!

Fair hats, K&K by Nathania Apple, I have made this hat before and I love this brim!  I come to this hat when ever I want a super basic hat pattern that doesn't have ribbing.  I am not one of those people who doesn't like purling, I just want a different shape.  I went a head an made it in the "Toddler" size and the Adult size.  I put toddler in quotes because I would say that this is more young child in a lot of yarns.  Make sure of your size gauge before you start for a toddler or a child. 

For donation hats, I wanted to use up my orange scraps, it isn't a color that I really use much of, so one ball is more than enough for my stash.  I started with one of Margaret Olander's favorite donation hats, the Better Late than Never Hat by Kathy North.  I really love this hat's construction!  It isn't something super spectacular if you have made a lot of hats unless you are like me and just love clever changes to the basics.  I also am so tickled at how well I am getting my rows to stack when I am smart about working.  So, I got two Better Late than Nevers done, then I decided to go a little off script with another hat.

I took the brown and orange one and used it as a size guide to make my own double crochet-double strander hat.  I know there are 500 patterns for this out there, I think Margaret Olander has a "recipe" for this kind of hat.  I just wanted to finish off that brown and suck up as much orange as I could...  I did finish the brown ball, but I had just enough orange left over for....

A cream and orange (creamsicle) Better Late than Never Hat.  I actually started this one last night when I was chilling with a mask on my face waiting to go to bed.  Trying to de-stress from "What if...Planning".  So, next week this one should be done and I will hopefully not have only 5 hats to share with you guys as FOs and WIPs.

So, I have some fun additional information on my Youtube channel (that just sounds so bloody funny!) video from today that is in conjunction with my "Show and Tell" here.  Please stop over there and take a listen to the fun shares.  I have some fun acquisitions and "reviews" to share with you guys!  Including Halloween finds, my disappointing Mary Maxim purchase, and books!

I want to take a moment and thank all of the people who have supported me this year in my getting out there again.  It has been a long time since I shared in the open like this and I have really missed being able to share with my friends and make new friends.  I know I don't see very many comments on my blog, but I do see my "lurkers" and I am very grateful for you all! 

Hugs and Kisses until next week hopefully!

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