Monday, June 4, 2018


So, for the last week, I have spent every free moment trying to get my craftroom cleaned.  It has been destroyed over the last few months of not working in there.  Tater Tot has been here 4-5 days a week and I can't just leave him downstairs on his own, so I have been working down stairs.  For the Summer Tater Tot and his big sister, Nilla Wafer, will only be here two days a week.  This will buy me the ability to work upstairs again, but I still won't get too much done during the week with paper. 

I won't take pictures until I am ready to move my stuff back up from the card project.  Just know that there are a lot of pictures of my craft room coming later this month.  It doesn't look that different, but it is at least CLEAN.  Guys, let's be real, there has been so much on the floor it had been months since I could vacuum in there.  I am also trying to get the desk cleared enough to sew on the near side desk.  Pray for me please!

I am not sure what I showed you in my last update of "The Great Craftdown of 2018", but I have started a new Summer shawl in Paton's Venus.  I can't wait to start wearing this shawl to cover my shoulders at mass!  It has some AMAZING drape!  I am not really using a pattern for this, it is a basic bias knit pattern.  I am a little over half way done at this point. 

I am very broad (yes, fat as well) so I am enjoying the fact that this might actually work as a full on wrap for me!  I am easily excited...I know!  I know I will need it about 5.5 feet if not a bit bigger.  For me with pashminas/stoles, the larger the better.  I really like to be able to throw the end over my shoulder and keep it out of my way.

I did finish my Caron Cake "over an hour" shawl/scarf.  I might come back to this pattern with leftover Venus.  I think the step pattern would be very pretty and effective with the drape of the Venus!  Curzon decided that he needed to be a part of this moment.  I really like the pattern especially for a one skein pattern.  My leftover ball was smaller than a bouncy ball.  I just kept  going until I was out of yarn.

I haven't given anyone an update on my bias baby blanket (AKA the travel project) in a long while.  I told you guys that it takes me forever on those projects.  I only work on them when I am in car or waiting in an office or something.  Just as a reminder, this is being worked with a Lion Brand One Pound in Pastel Green.  I am just glad to be working through some of those larger balls from the top of the cubes.  Those are all over the place.  I swear they are multiplying in my craftroom.  Every so often I walk in and find an new ball has shown up...

It is about 1.5 feet up the side now.  I am going to take it to between 35 and 40 inches before I start working my way back down.  So I have a VERY long way to go before I can even get excited about finishing this blanket.

Oh guys!  So I haven't really mentioned it here as of yet, but I have been playing around with the idea of scrapbooking.  I have enough paper to be getting on with!  Let's be real!  I am taking the plunge.  I am going to try both pocket journaling and old school 12x12 scrapbooking.  I want to do pocket journaling for my craft things and standard fancy pants scrapbooking for our "real life".

I am starting the fancy pants journaling with our trip to Montreal a few years ago.  Page one is actually done.  Page two is giving me fits.  I want it to be a two page layout called "Saturday in the Park".  The second picture is just where I was playing with things on the page...  That isn't anywhere near done at this point nothing is stuck down.  I really like where I have the coordinating washi tape, but I can't seem to figure out the mats or the arrangement... 

I spent a sick day last week chopping some card down for pocket cards.  I don't have any pictures, but I got some 3x4s and 4x6s cut up and ready for journaling my crafts tangibly and keeping pattern notes as I go.  It will be different than my blog and have more personal information about the year of crafting.  I am pretty excited.  It will help me to use more and more of my supplies!

I hope that you guys had a great weekend!  I look forward to getting back with you guys at the end of the week hopefully.

PS: Sorry for the scattered nature of this post.  Tater Tot and Nilla Wafer are here today and I have had to stop every 15 seconds because they are talking to me non stop...  For a frame of reference, I have been watching the same 15 minute video for the last hour...  Yep...  Kinder in the house!

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